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Not entirely sure the glut is a boon for chess fans. Perhaps I'm missing the right venue, but commentary seems to be descending to the level of click bait social media. The official commentary for the CCT was dismal for anyone with any kind of serious interest in chess. A team of two GMs and one IM evidently told to try to avoid algebraic notation or serious analysis, with walk on roles by other titled players, providing us with hours and hours of gems to the effect that Carlsen is good at endgames, that it's important not to get behind in a four game match, along with repetitive and infantile pop psychology. In fact, more or less anything but analysis.

I rather miss the days of a super tournament every now and then where I could spend long and blissful evenings for a week or two listening to Peter Leko or Peter Svidler analyzing top level classical chess.

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