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As mentioned in the linked chess.com article (which links to an earlier article published 3 Dec), chess.com, Magnus Carlsen and Daniel Rensch also filed motions to dismiss the Hans Niemann lawsuit. The statement by chess.com (or their lawyers) is in the earlier article. The statement on behalf of Carlsen was mentioned in a tweet by chess24 and also in the Reddit thread: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.moed.198608/gov.uscourts.moed.198608.44.0.pdf

I don't have a legal background, and I only "scanned" the lengthy documents. All seem to claim that the Missouri court isn't in charge, and that Connecticut state law (more favorable for the defendants at least in the interpretation of lawyers) should apply because this is Niemann's place of residence. Carlsen's lawyers also seem to claim that his statements and actions are legitimate opinions rather than defamation.

Chess24 apparently said in a broadcast that they/PlayMagnus won't discuss the case in public while it is pending, thus also not mentioning which actions they may have taken.

No news on the separate FIDE investigation against both Carlsen and Niemann?

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